Monday, August 3, 2009

MLM Business Opportunity Falacies and Myths

An MLM business opportunity can have a lot of untruths surrounding it. We explain what these myths are and what actually happens in a network marketing organization.

Myth #1: Purchasing and Phoning Leads Is The Only Way To Really Grow A Network Marketing Business

When you first join your network marketing organization, it's quite usual for your sponsor to recommend buying some leads regularly, and to phone those leads. If you follow their advice, you may end up spending 3 or 4 hundred dollars each month on leads, maybe more. Then, you spend a lot of time calling each one of them, and you come across people who have no idea why you are calling them, and some are not too happy with you either.

However, you keep doing this because that's what your upline advised, so you think it should work eventually. Five months and a few of thousand dollars later, you've called a lot of individuals and you're wondering why your business isn't growing. And, you ask yourself, can my business partners do this?

Purchasing prospects works for some network marketers, but it is not the only way or even the best way to grow your internet MLM business. You should only be speaking with people who are interested working with you and your business. Generic leads may not be remotely interested in a network marketing business, they might just want to get a job from home.

Purchasing leads is not the only way to grow your business, and certainly not the easiest way. A more effective way is to obtain your own leads using a number of online marketing methods.

Untruth #Two: Just Find a Few people and Help Them

Sometimes when Network marketers first join a business, they believe they can sponsor a couple of people, then just help them to sponsor and so on. However, it doesn't work like that. The recruiting process should be consistent and continuous, leading by example to the rest of your team.

If you continue recruiting, then your team will do the same. Then, if people leave it doesn't matter because you still have and continue to get more people in your team. You can using the internet to attract people to your business, and to show others how to do the same.

Fallacy #3 To succeed in Network Marketing all you have to do is recruit

In Network Marketing, sponsoring is a big part, but so is marketing the product. Customers may become good business builders, because they love the product and find it easy to tell others. So, business builders and customers are both important in your business.

Just as important also, is training your business partners, so they can find customers and organization builders. Some people find that an Internet Network Marketing organization is a good way to attract people to your Business, both customers and people wanting a to build an MLM business opportunity.
Have a look at Julieanne van Zyl's MLM Business Opportunity mini course. This simple step by step training shows you if an MLM Business Opportunity is really for you.

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